Ingredients for panzerotti with ricotta cream
- 250g flour
- 50g butter
- half a glass of milk
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 175g Ricocrem ricotta cream
- zest of 1 lemon
- 50g dark chocolate drops
- 40g icing sugar.
Preparation of panzerotti with ricotta cream
Add the butter, eggs and sugar to the flour and knead. Put the ricotta cream in a dish and add the lemon zest and chocolate drops. Mix well. Stretch the dough made previously with a rolling pin. Pierce the surface with a fork and make discs with a diameter of about 16-18 cm. Pour some of the ricotta cream mixture in each disc and fold over to form a half-moon shape. Fry in hot oil and sprinkle with icing sugar.